Drafting Your Own Prenuptial Agreement

A marriage pact is a contract between two people who are going to get married. What the contract involves depends on each couple. In general, prenups look at property sharing if your marriage doesn`t go as planned. A lot of people think of prenupes as something for the very rich. However, a prenup covers much more than money in the bank or giant holiday home in the Bahamas. In addition to the question of how assets acquired before, after or during marriage are distributed, a prenup can also answer the following questions. Is a spouse going to have sub-conditions? What will children from previous marriages receive financially or in property? Is a spouse covered by health or life insurance? Are debts acquired before or during the marriage shared? Wealth, debt and children are just some of the many things that can be addressed to prenupes that affect people of all income levels. Clarify your legal representation. Include the names and addresses of all lawyers related to your marriage contract. While some couples may know exactly what they want about a marriage deal, others may not know where to start. Maybe you`re having a hard time accepting, or a prenup never crossed your head until your partner approaches you. In one of these situations, a great marriage lawyer will help you get through the pros and cons of a marital agreement.

In this way, you will both come out with conditions that will allow you to be comfortable, to agree and to keep them in court. The pros and cons of marriage contracts may vary from case to case. Unfortunately, the negative connotation, often associated with marital agreements, discourages many couples from discussing the essential legal benefits of premarital contracts. Many lawyers believe that these contracts are important because they can address potential issues such as debt, financial planning, inter-religious conflicts and real estate sharing in the event of death or divorce, which makes three main things. None of you have saved much money. If neither spouse has significant assets or property in the name of these spouses, it is rare for a marriage agreement to be useful, as asset protection is the main purpose of a prenupe. Simply because the parties have failed to make the marriage agreement a priority in marriage planning (or more often because a party waited until the last minute to address the issue), this does not mean that you should assume unnecessary responsibility for an agreement that has been prepared or hastily verified. Remember that your agreement has at least a one in two chance of being the subject of litigation. Whatever time limit you feel is limited, it will allow you to do the work competently and appropriately necessary to adequately protect your client`s interests, set that time limit in your practice and stick to it. You won`t regret it.

Protect your property. If you are a real estate owner, a matrimonial agreement can determine what is a common property in your marriage and what is not. Owners or partners of a business, non-profit organization or business should keep in mind that your spouse can claim more than half of the increase in the value of your business. If you or your spouse rent an apartment or a house, you can indicate how the rental agreement will be changed in the event of a divorce. Should I have a prenup? Many couples are faced with this issue. If you are very wealthy, have had previous marriages or have children who are going to marriage, it may be helpful to talk about a marital agreement with a family lawyer. However, there are many other couples who should consider a prenup. Even first-time brides and grooms and people without significant assets can benefit from a marriage agreement.

To make an informed decision before you get married, you need to know what a marriage agreement is and what it covers.