Service Level Agreement With Schools

School Email Addresses: Help us communicate more effectively with you by checking email addresses that we consider your school. Changes can be indicated on the return of ALS or can be made at any time by visiting and registering on your school account from one of the registered email addresses. A password can be requested by the site. The services provided to schools can be ordered through a service level contract, which is issued annually. We are now able to offer music production courses and access to music production events run by Rock School London. With the generous support of the Constance Travis Trust, we have developed an offer for schools. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for schools includes access to an authorization menu and schools that acquire them receive a certain number of credits. Schools can use their credits against all courses taught by the school improvement team. If the schools do not have credits and are outside the agreement, they are charged for the participation of delegates. The collaboration with NMPAT gives young people access to a wide range of progression and follow-up routes: here you will find details on career development, key programs for visits and a wide range of negotiated services. The Diocesan Office of Education (DBE) is currently offering quality improvements to the school More than 95% of the diocese`s ecclesiastical schools now buy our support and more and more schools are now seeking our services. The assistance provided in this service contract is provided by a team of experienced officers, including school counsellors with head experience and OFSTED and SIAMS training. The team also includes specialists in premises, admissions and appeals, religious pedagogy, governance and administration.

We thank God for everything you do and wish you all the blessings in your work to ensure the best possible education for all the disciples and families we serve together in the name of Christ. The subscription to our service contract means that we can be there for you if you need us in schools where NMPAT has agreed to manage a direct billing system, the financial relationship between NMPAT and parents. We are very pleased to share the offer of support for school improvement for all LA Maintained, Academies and Free Schools.