Bmi Affiliation Agreement

BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.) is one of the largest performance rights organizations in the world, representing over 15 million musical works from over 1 million songwriters, composers, and publishers. BMI is responsible for collecting royalties for the performance of music in public places, such as bars, restaurants, and television and radio broadcasts. In order to properly collect and distribute royalties, BMI enters into affiliation agreements with music users and establishments.

The BMI affiliation agreement is a legal contract between BMI and a music user or establishment that grants BMI the right to collect and distribute royalties for the public performance of musical works. The agreement typically outlines the terms and conditions of the use of music within the establishment, including the type of music, the frequency of performance, and the audience size.

Music users and establishments that enter into a BMI affiliation agreement must pay an annual fee to BMI in order to use the organization`s music. This fee is determined based on several factors, including the type of establishment, the frequency of use, and the size of the audience. The fee can be paid in one lump sum or in installments throughout the year.

By entering into a BMI affiliation agreement, music users and establishments can legally play and perform copyrighted music without having to negotiate individual licenses with the copyright owners. This streamlines the process for music users and establishments and ensures that songwriters, composers, and publishers receive the proper compensation for their work.

In addition to collecting and distributing royalties, BMI also offers a variety of services to its affiliates, including music licensing, music usage reporting, and performance tracking. Music users and establishments can access these services through the BMI website or by contacting a BMI representative.

Overall, the BMI affiliation agreement is an important legal contract for music users and establishments that wish to use copyrighted music in a public setting. By entering into this agreement, these entities can legally use millions of musical works without having to worry about individual licensing agreements and can support the work of songwriters, composers, and publishers through proper compensation for their work.

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