If the President states in writing that he is not in a position to perform the powers and duties of his duties, those powers and obligations are exercised by the Vice-President as President-in-Office. … If the President does not declare it and the Vice-President, with the written agreement of the majority of the heads of the executive division or of another institution, as required by Congress, sends to Congress his written statement stating that the President is not in a position to exercise the powers and duties of his office, the Vice-President immediately assumes the powers and functions of the President-in-Office. – Application of the twenty-fifth change of vacancies in the office of the vice-president, November 1973 In law, the word is used as a synonym for consent, as in „The Secretary of the Treasury received written approval from the Attorney General.“ Here is a presidential example: In grammar, the agreement refers to the fact or condition of the identical elements of a sentence or clause in sex, number or in person – that is, agree. For example, in „We are late“ the subject and the verb agree in number and in person (there is no agreement in „We are late“); in „Students are responsible for handing over their homework,“ the precursor („students“) of pronodem („theirs“) agrees. The precursor of a pronoun is the name or other pronoun to which the pronoun refers. One of the synonyms of this agreement is La Concorde. Under U.S. law, borrowing explicitly refers to a formal written agreement by which a person undertakes to perform a particular act (for example. B to appear before a court or fulfill the obligations of a contract). Failure to perform the act requires the person to pay a sum of money or to pay money on bail. As a general rule, a guarantee is involved and the loan makes security responsible for the consequences of the committed person`s behaviour.
Bonds are often given to persons suspected of having committed a crime („The accused was released on a $10,000 loan“), but anyone who is required to make a bond may be required to give a loan. Students know composition as the name of a brief essay (the compilation of words and phrases); Philharmonic fans know it as the name of a long, complex piece of music (the arrangement of musical sounds); Historians and jurists know it as a term of conciliation or mutual agreement, as a treaty. B or a compromise (meeting and reconciling differences). Again, as well, they looked at each other with a meaning on their faces. And on the way out, he lived up to the letter of their agreement. In law, consent is specifically used for the voluntary agreement or tolerance of an elderly person who is not subject to coercion or coercion and who generally has knowledge or understanding. Age is the age of consent, the age at which a person is legally competent to obtain consent. Eighteen is the standard age of consent in the United States. Finally, over the past four years, he and his representatives have cancelled or denounced dozens of other international environmental regulations, practices and agreements. The word covenant is often associated with Christian and Jewish religions.