How To Activate Billing Agreement In Paypal Create the agreement and direct the user to PayPal to confirm the subscription information. Hello, do you know how to reactivate the subscription? I want to pay a bill for my server. Is it safe to use my PayPal account and pay it in another Godaddy account so that it can, for example, buy a domain name? Then there is a call to billingAgreement.create (…) which passes the billingAgreementAttributes object that has just been created. If all is successful, we should return an item from a billing contract that contains details about our new subscription. This object also contains a series of HATEOAS links that offer us the next steps that can be done with this newly created agreement. The one who is important to us is called approval_url. I started looking for information on how to terminate the billing agreement, because I used my PayPal account to pay for a year of hosting for a friend on GoDaddy, and then I discovered that I had a billing agreement, which means that even if I cancel the auto-renewal, my friend can use my PayPal account for express checkout, if it renews or pays for other services on GoDaddy. Our first step in the billing agreement is to create a route for establishing a billing agreement and redirect the user to PayPal to confirm that subscription. We assume that a billing plan ID will be delivered as a request tracking parameter, for example.B. by uploading the following URL with a plan ID from the previous example: Reseller settings that overwrite the default information in the plan. If you omit this setting, the agreement will use the plan reseller`s default settings.

Dealer preferences include the cost of setting up the agreement, the URLs under which the customer can approve or terminate the agreement, the maximum number of eligible payment failures, whether PayPal automatically charges the remaining balance in the next billing cycle, and action if the customer`s first payment fails. I couldn`t figure out how to cancel this automatic billing, thanks, PayPal you should pay for helping their customers know how to do it. Thank you millions of times Log in to your PayPal account. Click on „Profile“. In the „My Money“ tab, click on „Update“ in addition to „My previously approved payments“. Select the reseller whose agreement you want to reactivate and click „Reactivate“. In the current sbscriptions API, just create and activate a subscription: you don`t have the right to create this agreement….