Double Tax Agreement Australia and Dubai

Double Tax Agreement Australia and Dubai: What You Need to Know

In today`s globalized economy, businesses and individuals often find themselves operating across borders. As a result, they may be liable to pay taxes in multiple countries. This can result in significant tax burdens, administrative complexities and potential double taxation. To avoid this issue, countries around the world have signed Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) that provide clarity on tax obligations and reduce the risk of double taxation. Australia and Dubai have signed such an agreement.

What is a Double Tax Agreement?

A DTA is a treaty between two countries that aims to eliminate the double taxation of income or gains in both countries. It achieves this by allocating taxing rights between the two countries and provides mechanisms for the relief of double taxation. DTAs are intended to promote cross-border trade and investment by creating a framework for investors to understand their tax obligations when operating in a foreign country and hence reducing the tax cost of doing business.

Double Tax Agreement Australia and Dubai

Australia and Dubai signed a DTA in 2009. The agreement covers taxes on income and gains, including businesses and individuals, and includes provisions for withholding taxes, capital gains, and tax residency. The agreement came into effect in Australia on 1 January 2010 and in Dubai on 1 January 2011.

What Does the Agreement Cover?

The agreement covers various types of income, including:

– Business profits: This covers income derived by businesses from their business activities, including income from branches or permanent establishments in the other country.

– Dividends: The withholding tax rate on dividends is capped at 5% if the recipient is a company that owns at least 10% of the voting power in the company paying the dividends, and 15% in all other cases.

– Interest: The withholding tax rate on interest is capped at 10%.

– Royalties: The withholding tax rate on royalties is capped at 5%, subject to certain conditions being met.

– Capital gains: Capital gains from the sale of assets, including shares, are taxed in the country of residence of the seller.

The agreement also includes provisions on tax residency and non-discrimination. This means that individuals and businesses who are residents of one country and receive income from the other country will be taxed only in their country of residence, and they cannot be discriminated against based on their nationality or country of residence.


The double tax agreement between Australia and Dubai is an essential instrument for investors and businesses operating across borders. It provides clarity on tax obligations, reduces the risk of double taxation, and provides mechanisms for the relief of double taxation. If you are an investor or a business operating in both countries, it is crucial to understand the provisions of the agreement and seek professional advice to comply with the tax regulations and ensure you are taking full advantage of the benefits provided by the agreement.