Greek Egyptian Maritime Agreement

Greek-Egyptian Maritime Agreement: A Step Forward for Regional Stability

On August 6, 2020, Greece and Egypt signed a landmark maritime agreement that demarcates their respective exclusive economic zones (EEZ) in the Eastern Mediterranean. The agreement, which covers an area of approximately 74,000 square kilometers, comes at a time of rising tensions between Turkey and its neighbors over competing claims for offshore resources.

The Greek-Egyptian deal establishes a clear legal framework for the exploration and exploitation of natural gas and oil reserves in the region, which is believed to hold significant hydrocarbon deposits. It also reinforces the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both countries, as well as their commitment to international law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Under the agreement, Greece and Egypt will establish a joint committee to oversee the implementation of the EEZ boundaries and coordinate their activities in the area. They will also cooperate closely on issues related to marine environment, fisheries, and maritime security, including joint military exercises and patrols.

The Greek-Egyptian accord is a positive development for regional stability, as it reduces the risk of a potential conflict between two key NATO allies and strengthens the strategic partnership between them. It also sends a message to Turkey that its aggressive and unilateral actions in the Eastern Mediterranean will not go unchallenged, and that the international community expects all parties to respect the rules of the game.

The Turkish government has strongly opposed the Greek-Egyptian deal, arguing that it infringes on its own maritime claims and violates the rights of Turkish Cypriots in Northern Cyprus. Turkey has been conducting seismic surveys and drilling operations in disputed waters, prompting tensions with Greece, Cyprus, and Egypt, as well as the European Union and the United States.

The Greek-Egyptian agreement, however, has received widespread international support, including from the EU, the US, Israel, and other countries in the region. They have all recognized the importance of a rules-based approach to maritime security and the need for peaceful resolution of disputes through dialogue and diplomacy.

From an economic perspective, the Greek-Egyptian deal opens up new opportunities for energy cooperation between the two countries and beyond. It also strengthens their position vis-à-vis other actors in the region, such as Turkey, Russia, and China, who are vying for influence and control over energy resources and transportation routes.

For Greece, the maritime agreement with Egypt is a major diplomatic victory and a boost to its strategic posture in the Eastern Mediterranean. It also underscores the country`s commitment to multilateralism and its role as a reliable partner in regional and global affairs.

The Greek-Egyptian maritime agreement is a positive step forward for regional stability and cooperation. It demonstrates the potential of diplomacy and dialogue to resolve complex issues and promote mutual interests. While challenges and uncertainties remain, the agreement offers a ray of hope for a brighter future in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond.