Industrial Relations Agency staff or other appropriate staff may register as users and submit arbitration decisions and CBAs through OPM`s laboratory document submission portal. Upon approval, Agency users can submit arbitration and approval decisions directly through this application. CBAs must not contain signatures, names or other personal identifiers. Agencies can simply delete the CBA signature page or talk about individual signatures, names and other CBA personal identifiers. Please note that all CBAs must be submitted in a PDF format (portable document format) in accordance with section 508 of the Amended Rehabilitation Act 1973 (29 U.S.C 794 (d) and 36 CFR Part 1194). Arbitration awards do not require Section 508 of Compliance or Redaction, but must be in an indecipherable format. For more information on submitting documents, see the CBA database declassification memorandum. To register for the first time as an agency user, please visit the user registration page. Executive Order (EO) 13836, Developing Efficient, Effective, and Cost-Reducing Approaches to Federal Sector Collective Bargaining, signed by the President on May 25, 2018, requires agencies to submit any long-term collective agreement (CBA) and its expiry date within 30 days of the CBA`s entry into force. EO 13836 also requires OPM to make these CBAs available to the public on the internet.
This promotes transparency by allowing the public to consult the types of agreements between federal agencies and industry unions. Agencies are also required to submit arbitration awards to OPM within 10 business days of receipt. OPM has issued a memorandum on the publication of the CBA database, which contains guidelines on agency requirements for CBAs and arbitration awards. If you are already a registered agency user, please log in to the CBA database to download your document. If you have questions about CBA filing and arbitration decisions, please contact OPM Accountability and Workforce Relations staff at l` If you have any questions about certain CBAs in this database, please contact the agency associated with the CBA. Information on representative data for all tariff units certified by the Federal Office of Labour Relations, including name, description, location, number of employees in the tariff unit and other information, is available in the federal information system for employment services. Please choose whether other users should see in your profile that this library is one of your favorites.
You may have already asked for this article. Please select Ok if you wish to continue with this request. The CBAs found in this database were transmitted to OPM by executive services and agencies. This database is based on information provided to OPM by executive services and agencies and may not contain all existing CBAs within the executive. OPM will regularly update this database when the existing OPM and new CBAs are made available.